We were extremely gratified with the results of our model HEALING WITH CHI program, TOHOKU: WASURENAI (People of N.E. Japan: You Are Not Forgotten) in Aizu Wakamatsu, Oct. 2012. Our mission, was to bring healing energy to the people displaced by the earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear debacle of 3/3/11.
SEE: http://www.journeyinsidejapan.com/tohoku-wasurenai.html
These folks are under a great deal of stress from their overwhelming loss: Loss of loved ones, loss of home, the prolonged experience of being evacuated, being without employment and, in many cases, loss of ability to ever farm the land they have worked for generations to name a few examples. In addition, many must stay away from their original homes indefinitely, due to on-going nuclear radiation.
As you can imagine, this is causing extreme emotional pain, physical pain, and depression. They fear that, no longer in the headlines, they will be forgotten. We went to Tohoku to demonstrate that they are not forgotten.
The HEALING WITH CHI Program we offered proved a great success: there were morning QIGONG (kikou) classes, where I taught the basics about CHI, the life-force energy (In Japanese, “KI”), demonstrated how to gather and increase it, and how to use it for self-healing; led a slow movement meditation. One-on-one counseling and hands-on healing therapy were part of the afternoon program.
This is the comprehensive program for wellness offered in California, Hawaii, New York, in Mexico and Japan
In Japan our services were provided free of charge to the evacuees. The people responded very positively. “Success” was due to both their openness to receive what we had to share with them, and the extremely capable and irreplaceable assistance of two partners in the program: Yoshida Kuniyoshi (himself a refugee) who is a professor of languages and volunteer coordinator of projects throughout Fukushima Province provided sensitive and compassionate translation services. Fujita Hiroko, a licensed yoga instructor and massage therapist did advance work, and gently and warmly greeted people, made them comfortable, provided tea and refreshment and, she also photographed the sessions. In our continued program, I would employ her skills as a professional, to provide massage and breath-work, where needed.
Having proven the efficacy of our program, which is inexpensive to provide, uncomplicated to administer, and independent of any government red-tape, etc., we envision the ability to return to Tohoku within a few months time to begin a 3x-a-year, or quarterly program.
It is important to demonstrate our commitment to the evacuees, to be physically present to re-enforce what was taught, supplement the healing that was begun, and to expand our no-cost healing mission to other communities.
We already have requests to come to Iwaki City and Fukushima City and to return to Aizu Wakamatsu. Two additional people have offered volunteer translating and assistance in organizing a program.
The “model program” in Aizu Wakamatsu in October 2012 was financially supported entirely by myself and Yoshida and Fujita who generously donated their time & services. From now, we require sponsorship.
The cost to bring about this beneficial service to the people of Tohoku is exceedingly low, as can be seen when viewing our projected budget. Please contact us. It is available upon request. We would be grateful if you would please pass this information to any you feel might be interested in becoming a valued sponsor