HEART, MIND, & HANDS™ Program - For Intermediate-level students of Self-Healing
In the mid 60’s, my late friend, Zen Priest and Healer, Ryuho Yamada, introduced Shiatsu to the West. By the time met in the early 2000’s, his method was widely accepted as an extremely effective form of natural healing.
Designed thousands of years ago to increase the flow, harmony and balance of CHI-energy (addressing the polarities of yin and yang), both acupuncture and shiatsu evolved within the discipline of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Acupuncture employs needles, and shiatsu uses applied pressure from fingers.
When Ryuho stayed with me a short while, he taught me Japanese healing chants and we exchanged healing sessions. I was very impressed with his finger pressure method, as it was enhanced by his masterful intuition. I was honored to be able assist him with relief from the painful symptoms of his colon cancer as he acknowledged my work as “Trans-personal Healing”.
Ryuho's work opened my mind. Since that time I became interested in a third TCM healing modality: Do-in, which also uses finger pressure. In addition, it incorporates awareness of the body through movement, breathing, and concentration—techniques and methods I had already been using. Do-in dove-tailed so seamlessly into my HEART, MIND & HANDS™ method and teaching program, I began offering it in several self-healing classes. Shedding the finger pressure, the positive results continue to be very exciting.
My approach to wellness and well-being places great emphasis on transforming energy--to release not only physical pain, but “stuck” and over-active emotional energy. This results in the opening of the Heart center, allowing the spirit to soar. REMEMBERING: MindBody is the Abode of the Spirit
A special training program geared to Intermediate students, or those with deeper practice in self-healing, that includes my adapted model of Do-in / “Abode of the Spirit” practice will be offered very soon.
I will let you know when and where.